Everyone wants to have a pretty young thing on their arm, but not everyone can get it. To secure perfect trophy wife of your dreams, you need to meet a few criteria. Check out this tutorial and lear ...

Kissing friends and family members on the cheek is a common social greeting. If you are not used to it, cheek kisses can come across as awkward. Follow these steps and avoid any strange confrontatio ...

Ramses and Tara from Skills of the Game explain why creating an attention-getting headline is important in online dating, especially on dating sites that emphasize a headline rather than a thumbnail p ...

Just like any other skill, to be good at flirting you will have to practice. It's not as hard as it may seem once you know what to do. With just a couple of key flirting skills you will be able to mak ...

In this video from Inner Confidence, they demonstrate how to not get too into a women's personal space. A way to not approach a woman is to approach her head on. It is much less intrusive if you app ...

In this video from DavidWygant he teaches about using the ultimate opening line with women. He talks about approach anxiety and how you can talk to women about that very thing. He also talks about t ...

This video has a man by the name of Dr. Neder and he has a book by the name, 'how to be a man in a woman's world.' He answers a series of questions. The first question asked is how to get a girl with ...

Learn to pick up girls by acting cool and being a natural flirt. You can learn how to be totally relaxed, confident and natural when you approach girls. Don't over-analyze every situation, sometimes y ...

This is a very useful instructional video on keeping the conversation going when a man wants to talk with a woman. It is indeed an art to talk to women. It is not easy for many men to keep the convers ...